Saturday, 7 June 2014

How to protect yourself from phishing

How to protect yourself from phishing

How to protect yourself from phishing

Phishing as a concept – scammy electronic communications trying to steal personal data and passwords – has been around for nearly 20 years, but people still regularly fall victim to it.
In June 2013, security firm Kaspersky Lab estimated that 37.3m people had encountered phishing attacks in the last year, including more than 1m people in the UK alone. Symantec, meanwhile, estimates that phishing accounted for one in 392 emails per day in 2013.

Phishing is all about convincing you to divulge information that could help criminals steal your money and/or install malware on your computer, potentially also selling your passwords on to others.
It works by impersonating communications from companies that you trust: banks, online payment firms like PayPal, social networks, online retailers and other technology companies, as well as government bodies (tax authorities, for example). According to Symantec, 71% of phishing attacks in 2013 were related to financial organisations.
A lot of phishing attacks are fended off without you ever seeing them, thanks to the spam filters used by companies and webmail providers. But for those that make it through to your inbox, there are some common-sense tips to ensure you don't fall victim.

If it looks wrong, it probably is wrong

Phishing often looks, well, fishy. Typos can be a sign that an email is dodgy – yes, The Guardian may be on thin ice with this point, but typos in an email from your bank really are a red flag – as are all-capitals in the email's subject and a few too many exclamation marks.

Check the email address carefully

If you often get emails from a particular company, they'll usually come from the same address – for example, the vast majority of my PayPal emails come from Another address, especially one that looks strange, should raise suspicions.

Watch for impersonal introductions

Your bank, PayPal, Amazon etc know your name. A phisher sending out masses of emails doesn't. That's why real emails from these companies often address you by name. "Dear Customer" or variations on it may sound polite, but it's a definite warning sign, especially if the email is trying to get personal details from you.

Beware of threats and urgent deadlines

Sometimes a reputable company does need you to do something urgently – eBay was recently forced to ask its customers to change their passwords quickly after a cyberattack, for example. But usually, threats and urgency are a sign of phishing: if you're being asked to do something to prevent your account being shut down, or within a tight deadline, its cause for caution.

Don't fill in embedded forms

If an email comes with an embedded form for you to fill in personal details, financial data and/or login details, don't do it. Trustworthy companies will never ask you to do this in an email.

Be cautious about phone numbers and web links

If an email asks you to call a number to give your personal details over the phone, dig out some official correspondence from the company and use the number given there instead. And if you're asked to click on a link that looks legitimate, hover your mouse over it to see if you're actually being sent to a different site – don't click on it if so.

Beware of spear phishing

The advice above is for traditional email-based phishing attacks, which target a large number of people and hope that a few will fall victim. But in recent years, a new variant has emerged called spear phishing, which is much more personal.
Spear phishing targets individuals: instead of "Dear Customer" an email might address you by name, refer to a recent transaction you've made and/or draw on other information that you've shared online – often on social networks.
Spear phishers may even impersonate one of your friends, asking for a password which – if you share it – can then be tested on a range of other sites to see if the criminal can gain access to your accounts.
Most advice on avoiding spear phishing involves urging you to be more careful on social networks: the kind of "could this information be useful to a cyber criminal" caution that may not come naturally when tapping out a tweet or Facebook status update.
Even so, it's important – for plenty of reasons beyond spear phishing – to be familiar with privacy controls on sites like Facebook, so you know when something is being published to your friends only rather than the wider world.
It's also important – even though it may seem onerous – to use different passwords for the various retailers, financial services and social networks that you use regularly. Spear phishers thrive on the kind of password laziness that comes naturally to many internet users.
As for spear phishing that seems to come from a friend or known work contact, the same rules apply as for phone numbers in regular phishing emails. If someone you trust seems to be asking for a password, ring them up and ask if it's really them.

Don't think phishing is just about email

Phishing may be closely identified with email, but that's not the only way phishing attacks happen. In fact, that Kaspersky report in June 2013 claimed that only 12% of registered phishing attacks were launched through spam emails.
The rest came from fake websites, instant messaging software and other channels. Whatever you're doing on a computing device, be alert when seemingly-trustworthy companies or contacts are trying to get you to divulge any data that could compromise your online security.

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