Sunday, 6 July 2014

Google asked to remove over 250,000 links

Google asked to remove over 250,000 links

Google should be thought of as part of the press, and given protection not for its own sake, but for ours

Google has been asked to remove over a quarter of a million links to articles following an EU court ruling in favour of the ‘right to be forgotten’.
Over 70,000 requests have been made in total to the search engine asking for links to information be removed from Google's European site branches. 

On May 28, the first day the service began, more than 12,000 requests were received. This has now fallen to around 1,000 per day. Each request tends to ask for an average of 3.8 URLs to be taken down, equating to over a quarter of a million individual links.
The European Court of Justice ruled in May that Google must remove information deemed "inadequate, irrelevant or no longer relevant” or face a fine.
Individuals can only apply for the removal of a link to an article or picture, rather than the deletion of the information itself.

The internet search engine has removed links to four articles and four images from the Telegraph’s website. Two articles detailed the departure of referee Dougie McDonald from Scottish football in 2010, and another was a report covering claims former Law Society chief Robert Sayer faked complaints against his Asian deputy, which a hearing refused to refer to the police.
Links relating to Mr McDonald and Mr Sayer have also been removed from the Guardian’s website, alongside another link to an article concerning Mr Sayer by the Independent. Mail Online has also had links to articles about Mr McDonald removed.
A property feature on Londoners moving to the countryside in 2009 was also deemed worthy of having links to it removed when searching for it through Google’s European branches.
Links to four versions of two images used to illustrate stories detailing Max Mosley’s 2008 court case against the News of the World, have also been removed. The pictures were of the women reported to have taken part, whose faces have been obscured.
Germany remains the European country with the highest number of removal requests, equating to over 12,000. The UK is in third place behind France, with over 8,400 requests.

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