So much has happened in
recent years with SEO. With Google’s release of Panda in 2011 and
Penguin in 2012, both of which changed Google’s search results ranking
algorithm, SEO evolved.
Many think SEO is dead. That’s
right, I said dead. Go ahead, type it into Google. You will find a vast
array of articles talking about the death of SEO. We’re here to tell you
that SEO is not dead, it’s just different, and here is why.
SEO Has Much More Depth
the past, SEO was viewed as just links, keywords and page ranking.
While those are still vital to SEO, it goes well beyond that. SEO is not
just page ranking, its branding and content strategy. I know you’ve
heard the phrase ‘content is king,’ but it really is, and Google is
making sure of it with their latest algorithm change to Panda this past
August. It’s about weeding out the weak, thin sites that aren’t relevant
and bringing the sites that have good, strong content to center stage.
If you can create strong, relevant content and mix it with strong
keywords, chances are you will shine on Google.
Links Have Changed
The rule of thumb used to be
the more backlinks, or inbound links, the better. But that spawned a
group of marketers who would buy and sell links, which, of course,
Google frowned upon. Now, Google is rewarding quality over quantity,
meaning you have to create quality inbound links. Although there isn’t
necessarily a concrete definition of what quality links are, there are
certain aspects that Google looks for, including that the links come
from a relevant, trusted source, it sends traffic and it’s not
misleading. Stick to these simple rules and this should help with your
page ranking.
More Metrics to Filter Through
used to rely heavily on keywords, and the same went for measuring your
SEO success. Keyword rank used to be all a company would need to get a
clear picture of how their SEO strategy is working, but not anymore.
Marketers have a long list of metrics they look at now, including
click-through rates, inbound links, bounce rate, duration on page and
more. But that’s not a bad thing, because with these new metrics,
marketers and businesses are getting a much clearer picture of what is
working and what is not.
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