Sunday, 15 February 2015

Your Book’s Website Is Useless without Basic SEO

The only thing that’s constant is change, especially when it comes to SEO.
For the past few years, the buzzword for online marketing is the so-called Search Engine Optimization. The process was a bit simple. Marketers will optimize the client’s site to achieve greater campaign outcome. They, they will assign specific keywords that will be used for the whole SEO campaign. Add in a little strategy and their client’s site lands on the first page of search results.
However, search engines have now become stricter when it comes to SEO. For instance, Google, the number one search engine that people use, have implemented various algorithm updates. Most of which were named after cute animals like the Panda and Penguin update.
Everyone was okay with it, they have learned to adjust every time an update rolls. Not until Matt Cutts and his team at Google made it a regular habit to change the algorithm and roll out updates every now and then. Since then, things got a little bit hard and challenging. So, what should you do to optimize your own author website?

1. Make your site SEO-friendly.

Search engines let their bots crawl the pages of your site. If they can’t easily read the elements of your page, then it’s possible that their results are also inaccurate. So, no matter how you beautify your author website, if it’s not also SEO-friendly, everything will be meaningless.
Hence, to avoid this kind of situation, make sure to read the best practices of building a website that can be easily understood by Google or Yahoo bots. Similarly, if you’re working with a web designer, make sure that they follow the guidelines religiously.
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