Friday, 13 February 2015

What Is Link-Building, and Why Does It Matter in 2015?

I’ve spent the last three years of my life professionally obsessed with links.
My agency’s primary specialization is link-building, but it’s often impossible to build links if the site itself isn’t well optimized, and furthermore less likely to have the desired impact. Link-building is the majority of what we do, but we have to do everything in between in order to really make the link-building shine.
My day-to-day job is 100 percent content marketing, but I work for a link-building agency. I very much have a foot in both worlds, which I’d like to think gives me a unique perspective. Today, I want to share with you my perspective on link-building and why I think links will continue to matter for real businesses in 2015.

The Evolution of Link-Building and My Definition

Despite having the job title of "link builder" for longer than a year, explaining the term "link-building" is surprisingly hard.
I’ve had to do it for friends, family, acquaintances, marketers, and even other SEOs. The problem is context – how much do they already know? Are they fully aware of SEO and best practices, and do they fully appreciate the impact Penguin has had on the link-building community?
My own description, explanation, and reasoning has evolved over time. The truth is, it had to. Although my company has always operated within Google’s Guidelines and worked to build links the right way, the fact of the matter is the SEO industry itself has changed dramatically from when I first started building links back in early 2012.
Since you’re on Search Engine Watch, I’m going to assume no beginner explanations are needed.
Let’s just jump right into definitions, and how mine have evolved overtime so you can better understand where I’m coming from today.
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