Tuesday 14 April 2015

6 Sins You’re Committing on Bing Ads

Did you know that when you think you are "Googling”, you might actually be "Binging?" In addition to bing.com, yahoo.com, and msn.com, Bing powers Web search on Apple’s Siri, Kindle Fire, Amazon Fire Phone, Xbox, and many others. This also explains how Bing has quietly reached 31 percent search market share on desktop in the US., according to comScore.
Bing Ads sees a fair share of advertisers getting the most out of their paid search dollars. One of the benefits of being such a massive search engine is that Bing becomes simultaneously a data powerhouse – all those advertisers leave a trail of habits that can be analyzed.

Today we’re looking at the sins that are consistently committed by advertisers on the Bing Ads platform. Are you committing them? The sins are:

1. Assuming You Can Get Bing Searchers on Google

For example in retail alone, there are 40 million searchers found on Yahoo and Bing, but not found on Google. Turns out, not everyone uses Google. You’re missing out if you’re not going after the Bing audience, because exclusive searchers are not limited to retail, it’s across verticals. In the chart below, the orange parts show the Bing audience who doesn’t use Google and can’t be reached there.
When you assume that the Bing audience can be caught on Google, you neglect to allocate an appropriate budget for your Bing Ads campaigns.

2. Not Changing Your UTM Tags From Google to Bing

If you don’t, your metrics are going to be inaccurate and will not reflect the truth of your Bing traffic. Until June of last year, changing the UTM tag upon importing your Google campaigns was a pain in the PPC – but now Bing has auto-tagging. Not only does this save you time, it keeps your metrics accurate. Slam dunk.

3. Thinking the Targeting Options on Bing Are the Same as Google

  • Time zones for Bing Ads are different than AdWords. On Bing Ads, the time is set to the time of the user, not the business. So targeting an ad at 7 a.m., means 7 a.m. everywhere. And you can set different time zones for each campaign when you create them.
  • You have more flexibility with targeting on Bing Ads because the setting is on ad group level, not campaign level, like Google. This also gives you more options for testing.
    • Incrementally bid up or down by demographics
    • On the ad group level, you can start/stop ads differently
    • Adjust bids by geography
When you import to Bing Ads from Google, check the targeting right off because you can suddenly be more sophisticated with your ad scheduling.

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