Tuesday 14 April 2015

Real Marketing In SEO: Building Links For Your Audience

Columnist Andrew Dennis reminds us that when you focus on your audience, the links you get will be valuable, regardless of SEO.

You should build links with an audience-first mindset.
In other words, every single link you build should be intended for your audience. If you ever find yourself obtaining links you wouldn’t want your audience to find, you’re likely being manipulative — or, at the very, least building worthless links.
Sometimes, link builders focus too much on how Google values links. I’m not suggesting you forget Google when you build links — everyone is well aware of the power links have in Google’s algorithm — but rather that you pursue links with an audience-centric focus.
There are several tangible benefits to approaching link acquisition with an audience-first mindset:

  1. Focusing on your audience creates additional marketing value.
  2. An audience-first mentality guides link prospecting.
  3. Centering your link strategy around your audience leads to better links.
When you focus on acquiring links for your audience, you’re doing real link building, and real marketing.

Focusing On Your Audience Creates Additional Marketing Value

Implementing an audience-focused mentality into your link strategy will create additional marketing value outside of SEO.
When you build links just for the sake of links, you often only want to get the link and be done. All you care about is link equity, and this often leads to pursuing less relevant and authoritative sites where your audience isn’t truly active. You’re just acquiring another link to help boost your Google rankings and then moving on to the next link.
Conversely, when you focus on your audience and create links they’ll actually encounter, it’s much more akin to real marketing. If other marketing opportunities present themselves, you’ll actually want to follow up, because it represents a real chance to engage with your audience.

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